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Transparency to Economics with Decentralized Finance

DeFi - Decentralized Finances it’s application built on blockchain technology.

Decentralized Finances originated from untrust of people to traditional financial institutes. And DeFi was born with the goal to create more: transparent, open, non-custodial, composable and decentralized financial instruments.

Most projects don't meet all the points described above. Because DeFi is really new technology and most of the teams partly work with their applications on early stages of product development. But all of the developers seek to let go of control of its protocol and enable the community to manage the application and transform the organization into a Decentralized Autonomous Organization.

Why DeFi?

The DeFi sector is very young, because it was born in the 2018 year. And there are a lot of possibilities to invest in different applications and projects that are builded by developers & community.

Summing up, the DeFi movement is shifting traditional financial products to the open source and decentralized world, which removes the need for intermediaries, reduces overall costs, and greatly improves security.

Concluding the DeFi movement is moving traditional financial products to the open source and decentralized world and transferring it in the hands of the community, which removes the need for intermediaries, reduces overall costs, and greatly improves security.

Invest In DeFi

Invest in Transparent & Confident Financial Future With OXO Capital